Seed & Plant Nutrition

We offer the complete package

4Seed & Nutrition offers comprehensive pasture and cropping services - from planning, crop & pasture programs, seed selection, soil and plant nutritional programs, working with contractors, we offer farmers expert advice throughout the preparation, growing and processing stages to ensure a top quality results

Comprehensive Seed Selection

We aim to provide access to the most comprehensive range of seed brands and truly independent advice for the selection of the most appropriate cultivars to suit your specific requirements. 4Seed & Nutrition supplies direct to customer.



Our proven slurry delivery method can also be used for growing new pasture or even diversifying existing paddocks. Appropriate trace minerals and inoculant can be added to the mix to save money on expensive pre-coated seed. This method has been used in some of the largest forestry to dairy conversions in the North Island


Our “pureNplus” Liquid Nitrogen blends are uniquely formulated to provide a stable soil friendly Nitrogen that promotes healthy plant growth for longer.
We formulate “pureNplus” blends to suit various pasture applications and crops
Premixed with 100% solubility for a “No Hassle” application. Can be tank mixed with most chemicals.